How We Can Help

We have the ``know how`` to come up with creative solutions to fit your situation.

We have several properties to choose from.

We handle all of the paperwork so we can close NOW and put you right into your new home.

We are problem solvers who can make your problems evaporate so you too can achieve the American Dream of home ownership.

We create and provide win-win real estate solutions for all our customers.

We can also customize a program to suit any special situation such as lump sum payment, advance payments toward your future down payment and MORE!

We have several programs to suit your individual and family needs:

Our Rent-to-Own Program

With 3-5% down as an Option-to-Buy Fee you can qualify for our ``Homeowner in Training`` Program giving you time to improve your credit and build up your necessary down payment.

You can earn a fixed monthly credit toward your future down payment.

Once your credit has improved or you have accumulated enough down payment you can qualify for a traditional low rate bank loan or you may choose to convert to our easy qualifying ``American Dream`` Homeownership Program.

This program is perfect for those with credit issues or those who haven't saved enough down payment or just want to ``test-out`` the neighborhood, the schools or the house.

Our American Dream Homeownership Program

Requires no bank financing or bank qualifying.

You can increase your take home pay. You get to deduct interest payments and property taxes from your income taxes. This lowers your income taxes and allows you to increase your deductions.

Requires 10% of the purchase price as down payment. You can choose to pay more and that will lower your monthly house payment.

You can receive all the benefits of homeownership NOW without the hassle of bank financing.